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The simple and efficient volumetric lighting solution compatible with every platforms: Windows PC, Mac OS X, Linux, WebGL, iOS, Android, VR, Oculus/Meta Quest, AR, Consoles, Built-in/Legacy Render Pipeline, SRP (URP & HDRP)!

Volumetric Light Beam is a 5-stars-rated asset available for the Unity engine, which greatly improves the lighting of your scene by generating truly volumetric procedural beams of light to render high quality light shafts rays effects.
This is a perfect, easy and cheap way to simulate density, depth and volume for your spotlights and flashlights, even on Mobile!

>> Get it on the AssetStore <<

This is the Documentation of the Volumetric Light Beam plugin version 2.2.3.

Please consider rating and writing a review on the Asset Store page if you like it! Thanks :)


Games using the plugin

Volumetric Light Beam is a production ready plugin proven by awesome released games featuring it:


Features Showcase

How to create your first Volumetric Light Beam

How to use the Volumetric Light Beam Unity plugin with URP or HDRP

Detailled info about URP and HDRP compatibility here.


Interested in the Unity's Volumetric Light Beam plugin?
Try it by yourself! Check these interactive standalone demo available on several platforms:



  • Have a look of the Forum Thread if you want to share something with the community.
  • Feel free to reach us if you need help or to suggest some improvements/features!

Getting Started


Check the compatibility with the Unity version you are developing with, and with your target device/platform.

Install the plugin

Get the plugin on the AssetStore and import it. You will end up creating a new folder "Assets/VolumetricLightBeamPackage/".
Click on the Installer asset under this new folder and click on the Install version XXX button in the inspector:
Using the installer

All the necessary files are now installed in the folder "Assets/VolumetricLightBeam" in your project. You can now delete the "Assets/VolumetricLightBeamPackage/" folder if you want.
Files imported in your project


We highly recommend to restart Unity after installing the new version, otherwise you can encounter script or shader errors.

Read the "Configure the plugin" section.

Configure the plugin

And that's it! You can start to create new volumetric lights!

Create your first light beam

In the Unity's Create menu, browse to Light -> Volumetric Light Beam -> choose between SD and HD, and choose either one of the new entity:

  • 3D Beam: creates a new 3D standalone beam of light (no lights attached).
  • 3D Beam and Spotlight: creates a new Spot-light with a 3D volumetric beam of light attached to it.
  • 2D Beam: creates a new 2D standalone beam of light. 2D means the beam will be generated along the X axis (instead of the Z axis) and so is more suitable if used in 2D scenes.

Create a new Volumetric Light Beam

In addition, you can attach a VolumetricLightBeam component to:

  • An existing Spotlight (right click on the inspector)
    Attach a beam to a spotlight

  • An existing GameObject (via the Add Component button)
    Attach a beam to a GameObject

SD vs HD Volumetric Light Beams

This plugin offers 2 different Volumetric Light Beam implementations, each one optimized for specific use-cases. In short:

  • SD Beams (legacy beams) are super fast with limited features (no true volumetric shadow nor cookie support): they are optimized to run on mobile and standalone VR (Meta Quest).
  • HD Beams offer more advanced features (true volumetric shadow & cookie) but are heavier on performance: they should be used only on high-end platforms (PC & consoles).

More info about which implementation works on which platform.


  • It only supports 'spotlights' (beams shaped like a cone). Point lights or directional lights are not supported.
  • The plugin fully works with Deferred Rendering path: like any semi-transparent objects, beams are rendered using a Forward rendering pass on top of the Deferred one. This is a well known limitation of the Deferred Rendering technique.
  • Since this plugin requires custom scripts execution, it won't work for a VRChat world using the VRCSDK.